Gesher LaTorah
Through a hands-on, multi-sensory, experiential approach, Gesher LaTorah offers enjoyable and challenging learning opportunities in which students can feel good about their Jewish selves. The curriculum includes lessons in Jewish life cycle events, the Jewish community, prayers, holidays and customs, and Hebrew reading.
Gesher LaTorah strongly believes:
- Learning is something that can be done by every individual
- Learning Torah and Jewish traditions is the right of every Jewish individual
- Learning is an active process, best accomplished in a supportive and nurturing Jewish environment
- Learning develops from a logical sequence of individualized instructional objectives and strategies
- Learning involves families and strengthens Jewish home life
Gesher LaTorah’s adult learning program for people with disabilities is TAG – Torah, Avodah, and Gmilut Chasadim. The program serves students over the age of 18 who have special needs. The curriculum includes Torah learning as well as community involvement in the form of a “chavurah” or learning partnership with residents of Weinberg Park Assisted Living and special program group learning.
Gesher LaTorah literally means “Bridge to Torah,” and its mission is based on the principle that every Jewish individual has a rightful place as a proud and self-assured member of the Jewish family, the Jewish school, synagogue, and Jewish community.
Gesher LaTorah links:
Returning Students Only: 2024/25 Registration Page paying by Credit Card
Returning Students Only: 2024/25 Registration Page paying by Check
Financial Aid Application – PLEASE NOTE DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 8, 2024