We offer programs to meet the needs of educators, families, community professionals- just about anyone interested in being inspired by Jewish learning and connecting to colleagues and peers. Whether the program focuses on the experience of the global Jewish community, creating inclusivity in Baltimore, networking with your educational colleagues, experiencing Jewish holidays with the neighbors down the street or navigating Jewish life in your own family, our exceptional staff is ready to support you!
Find the program that's right for you.
B’More Disability Awareness and Sensitivity Workshops
The Jewish community is as many and diverse as the stars and sand and our Torah demonstrates the deep value we place on every member regardless of ability. B’More Inclusive experiences aim to help participants incorporate life lessons about awareness of our diversity and recognition of what each person contributes to the class, to society, and to the world through engaging activities and discussion. Each session is tailored toward the audience including students K-12, teachers, synagogue members, and Jewish agency professionals.
Yael Zelinger, yzelinger@cjeb.org
Disability Awareness Guide for Elementary School
Disability Awareness Guide for Middle and High School
Community Connectors
The connector program is an exciting program designed to connect Jewish families with their neighbors all around the Baltimore area. The program revolves around the work of “Connectors”, who spend two years building a network of Jewish families right in their own neighborhoods. Learn More
Deafblind Shabbaton
The mission of the Deafblind Shabbaton is to provide a fully accessible Shabbat experience for Jews of all backgrounds living with dual hearing and vision loss. The experience is meant to educate and empower the participants to socialize and connect meaningfully with Judaism and with fellow Jewish participants and staff. Learn More
Yael Zelinger, yzelinger@cjebaltimore.org
Erev Yisraeli
Informal gatherings to bring together Israel and Jewish American families that combines Jewish traditions and Israeli culture.
Gesher LaTorah
Gesher LaTorah is a dynamic, community-based Jewish special education program serving students with significant special needs between the ages of five through adult. Students are usually enrolled in a self-contained classroom and have special needs, including autism, developmental disabilities, language disabilities, or physical challenges. Learn More
How to Communicate with People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Workshops available on-site for any Jewish agency, school, or synagogue. Communication is the key to building relationships, and let’s face it; good business is all about relationships. Learn how to include people who communicate differently and much more. Learn More
Yael Zelinger, yzelinger@cjebaltimore.org
Israel Educators Community of Practice
We believe that at the heart of engaging and meaningful Israel Education, are Israel Educators who are deeply knowledgeable, specifically skilled, and nuanced in their approach. To that end, we convene Israel educators several times a year to discuss complexity and struggle in teaching Israel while reinforcing the foundation of love and emotional attachment to it. We also connect educators to a variety of Israel education professional development opportunities.
Israel High
We seek to prepare high school students for the antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment they might be faced with on their college campuses. By drawing on resources from the most effective international organizations that train students and educators, Israel High ensures that Baltimore’s students have a strong sense of Jewish identity and their relationship to Israel, have the tools and resources to feel confident and proud of their connection to the Jewish state and are linked to a network of educators and professionals who are trained to support them in their journeys to college. Learn More
JADE provides an opportunity for people who sign to get together and shmooze. Each meet up is led by a member of the Jewish Deaf and hard of hearing community and centers around a Jewish theme. ASL Meet Ups are always fun! Learn More
Yael Zelinger, yzelinger@cjebaltimore.org
JADE – Jewish Advocates for Deaf Education
JADE’s mission is to support Jewish individuals who are deaf and/or hard-of-hearing and to encourage access to educational and engaging Jewish events. JADE strives to raise the level of awareness in the community about the needs of Jewish people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Learn More
Yael Zelinger, yzelinger@cjebaltimore.org
Jewish Captioning Initiative
The Jewish Captioning Initiative promotes captioning on videos with Jewish content to allow access for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. JADE advocates for the inclusion of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and can explain how to provide a sign language interpreter or real-time captioning at events. Learn More
Martha Goodman, mdsnap@cjebaltimore.org
Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month
As a member of the Jewish Special Education International Consortium, we helped create Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month – JDAIM, originated to use the month of February to bring focus to the issue of raising awareness of members of the Jewish community with disabilities. Over the years it has developed into a year-long initiative to promote inclusion throughout Jewish life. Disability awareness training session, educational resources, programming such as Introduction to American Sign Language, JDAIM Movie Night, and more are created as a way to keep this important concept in the forefront of our collective consciousness, with February as the kickoff month to this ongoing effort.
Rachel Turniansky, rturniansky@cjebaltimore.org
Jewish Matryoshka Project
Programming for Russian-speaking Jewish families to connect, access resources in the Jewish community, share in Jewish and Russian traditions, enjoy books and events catered to this unique culture, and make new friends.
Dasha Pomerantseva, dpomerantseva@cjebaltimore.org
Kol Echad
A monthly inclusive Shabbat service and Jewish Education Engagement programming for children with disabilities and their families. This modified service includes songs, movement, and hands-on experiences. Educational engagement programming is designed to be fully accessible and sensory-friendly. Contact Baltimorekolechad@gmail.com or visit Facebook .
Local Author Series
On the second Tuesday of the month, we bring in Baltimore’s finest local Jewish authors to learn more about the books they wrote and the stories behind them. Books being presented and discussed by the authors will be available for check-out in the library.
Jessica Fink, jessicafink@cjebaltimore.org
Maryland Special Needs Advocacy Project
Maryland Special Needs Advocacy Project (MDSNAP) provides free educational advocacy services for Jewish children with special needs, from birth to age 21. Our staff representative listens to concerns and helps parents help their children. Learn More
Odessa Partner City
In November of 2017, Amalia Phillips, Former Director of Israel and Overseas Education, led a cadre of Jewish educators on a mission to our partner city of Odessa in Ukraine funded by The Associated’s Baltimore-Odessa Partnership. The participants explored the value of Jewish peoplehood that would lead them to collaborate on meaningful and authentic Jewish educational experiences that will energize our partnership and foster new possibilities for long-lasting impact. Learn More
Dasha Pomerantseva, dpomerantseva@cjebaltimore.org
On the Same Page
A “community read” program incentivizing book clubs, organizations, and groups of friends to read the selected book and then host events around the book.
Jessica Fink, jessicafink@cjebaltimore.org
Pairs families with young children in Baltimore and our partner city of Ashkelon and provides programs focusing on Jewish values shared experiences and community connections. Families get to participate in a variety of engaging programs with the cohort in their city while simultaneously developing long-lasting connections with a family in the Ashkelon cohort. PJ ABC gives an early opportunity to make a connection to Judaism, Jewish values, and Israel.
Dasha Pomerantseva, dpomerantseva@cjebaltimore.org
PJ Library
PJ Library mails the gift of award-winning books that celebrate Jewish values and culture to families with children from birth through 9 years old. Learn More
PJ Our Way
PJ Our Way is the next chapter in the PJ Library family, available for kids ages 8.5 through 13 years old. Every month, kids choose a book from a selection of four high-quality titles that have been reviewed by a panel of PJ educators, parents, and kids. That’s 12 free books a year! Learn More
PJ Our Way Design Team
If you are between the ages of 8 and 13, join other literature-loving tweens on a real committee to create engaging programming for your peers.
Saba-Ba! Grandparent Connectors is a fun and exciting program that provides adult Jewish education to Baltimore grandparents, informal Jewish educational experiences to families, and a three-generation network that enriches our entire Jewish community. This project is designed to empower and support grandparents in their roles as Jewish educators and engagement facilitators who help their families access Jewish life.
Gabrielle Burger, gburger@cjebaltimore.org
Sensory Kit and Sensory Kit To – Go
The Kit includes items that are designed to provide calming equipment to individuals who may be overstimulated or overwhelmed by activity at events. Kits are available to borrow for Jewish organizations running events or individuals and families attending events.
Rachel Turniansky, rturniansky@cjebaltimore.org
Shalom, Baby!
A range of services and programs for expectant and new parents and grandparents, Shalom, Baby! programs are designed to help connect families with Jewish experiences centered on the day to day reality of life with infants and toddlers. Learn More
Shevet Achim
Shevet Achim is an innovative school twinning model funded by the Baltimore-Ashkelon Partnership of The Associated and supported by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI). Shevet Achim cultivates direct relationships between 5 schools in Baltimore and 5 schools in Ashkelon, and of course, their students and teachers as well. Educators collaboratively envision and implement engaging and creative educational experiences to foster meaningful relationships between learning communities in both cities. Learn More
Shinshinim Hub
A Hebrew acronym for shnat sheirut (or year of service), pre-army young emissaries live with local families and facilitate programming in schools and community to enthuse Baltimore about Israel through informal Israel education experiences. Learn More
Tot Shabbat
Weekly program every Friday at 11:00 am where families gather for songs, a story, blessings and shabbat treats of challah and grape juice. Designed for children birth through age 5. pjlibrary@cjeb.org
Teens Talk Odessa
Jewish Teens from Odessa and Baltimore meet together to learn about Jewish communities in their sister cities and to explore their identities through discussions, zoom events and creative final projects. Funded by The Associated’s Baltimore-Odessa Partnership.
Dasha Pomerantseva, dpomerantseva@cjebaltimore.org
Tzipur Sipur: Traveling School Librarian
A Community Librarian visits schools that do not have a library or librarian on staff. The librarian brings stories, research materials, and books for the children to check-out. The program is designed to help students access appropriate books (level and content), as well as, help reinforce a community of readers.
Sonia Kozlovsky, skozlovsky@cjeb.org